Converting to a New Class
Converting to a new Class, Advanced Class, or Class Specialization is a fairly straightforward process: you simply substitute one name for the other on your System Sheet and are mostly done.
If any of your Class-Exclusive Abilities are not available to your new Class, then you must choose to either convert them or lose them. General Abilities are not affected by Class Conversion
Converting Exclusive Abilities
To convert an Ability, the new Class or Specialization must have a compatible Ability into which it can be converted, such as a Mage’s Mage Blast and a Priest’s Sacred Strike.
The new Ability gains the Rank of the original Ability, and the original Ability is reset to Rank 0 as if you had never invested points into it. The original Ability is completely lost as if you had never learned it.
If the two Abilities share any Actions or Augments that you have already trained, the Ranks for these are transferred over directly. Any that can’t be directly transferred are lost and any invested points are refunded as available Augment Points for the new Ability.
The new Ability is then dealt a new Shuffle of Actions and Augments available for training.
Losing Exclusive Abilities
When you lose an Ability due to a Class change or specialization, you don’t truly lose it in its entirety. It’s simply locked away by The System and become unavailable until you gain access to it again through a future Class change. In essence, a lost Ability is only suppressed rather than truly lost forever.
The Ability and any of its Actions and Augments retain their Ranks and any unspent points invested into the Ability, but the Rank is treated as 0 for determining your Level.
Losing Levels
When an Ability is lost, you immediately lose any Levels gained from possessing Ranks in that Ability, including any Level benefits, such as additional Vitality and increases to Attributes or Aptitudes.
If your Level drops below a threshold that would have increased an Attribute (every 10th level) or Aptitude (every 20th level), then you lose one point from the Attribute or Aptitude associated with the lost skill, regardless of where you invested the improvements previously.