Basic Actions

Basic Actions are a set of extremely basic skills and activities that all individuals may perform. Basic Actions are not considered to be part of any Class or Ability. They cannot be advanced or improved upon in the way Abilities and their related Actions can.

Being so simple, Basic Actions have significant flexibility that using Abilities does not. When performing an action, an individual may use the Count of their current Ability to instead perform a Basic Action that shares the same Ability Type.

Many Classes offer one or more Special Actions, which are a type of Basic Action exclusive to that Class. Most of these are improved versions of Basic Actions but some are completely new. Special Actions otherwise function the same as Basic Actions.

The Basic Actions

Interact (Variable; Variable)Tempo: 1. This covers any simple actions which interact with an object or other individual but don’t use any specific Ability. Such actions may be drawing a weapon, drinking a potion, mounting a horse, handing someone an item (receiving an item is a Reaction), pushing a button, and opening or closing a door among others. Interactions typically do not disrupt the Count. Certain Interactions may take longer than Tempo 1, and such uses will disrupt the Count.

Movement (Variable; Mobility)Tempo: 1. You may move a distance equal to your Movement, usually to a location either Adjacent or Near to your current location. This can be walking, running, climbing, swimming, or any other form of basic movement. Different types of movement use different Attributes if a Check is necessary. This Basic Action can also be used to change posture, such as dropping prone to the ground or standing up. Movement typically does not disrupt the Count.

Melee Attack (Might; Weapon Skill)Tempo: [w]×2. Range: Adjacent. DT: Evasion. You make a basic attack with a melee weapon you wield, dealing normal damage for that weapon.

Ranged Attack (Dexterity; Weapon Skill)Tempo: [w]×2. Range: Near. DT: Evasion. You make a basic attack with a ranged weapon you wield, dealing normal damage for that weapon. You cannot use this ability against an Adjacent target. Resolving this Action is Risky.