You have suffered a disruption to your qi flow, which has become a permanent snarl in your qi. This often manifests as physical illness or psychological disorders with no apparent cause or cure.
Each instance of Qi Deviation reduces your Qi Aptitude by 1. If this reduces your Qi below the Rank of a Qi Ability, that Ability’s Rank is temporarily reduced as well.
Qi cleansing can be effected through meditation, relaxation, and clearing the mind. This process takes a full day, after which a successful special System Check (UC + current Qi Aptitude, DT 10 + 2 × number of Qi Deviations) removes one instance of Qi Deviation. (Note that this special System Check does not normally include any Attribute, though you may choose to use Luck.)
You cannot recover from a Qi Deviation while your Qi Flow is 0 or lower. If your Qi Deviation reduces your Qi Aptitude to 0, it’s impossible to recover at all without receiving specialized treatment.