These evil tree creatures appear seemingly from nowhere just after dusk. Each stands a little over two meters tall, the dark trunk was twisted around itself, giving the tree a gnarled, haggard appearance. The crooked branches are completely leafless, like foul fingers grasping at the dim moon. Wisps of foul, blue light float around its trunk, forming the appearance of a maliciously grinning face.
Crushing Swipe – Melee Attack (+8) – Tempo: 4. Range: Adjacent. DT: Evasion. The bristlecone duskling swipes with a branch or root, striking for 1d6+3 damage.
Throw Bristlecone – Ranged Attack (+3) – Tempo: 3. Range: Near. DT: Evasion. The bristlecone duskling plucks a withered cone from its branches and hurls it an an enemy. This attack deals 1d4+1 damage.