Tempo: 3.
You master the art of active defense, interposing your shield to block and deflect attacks while throwing the opponent off balance to prevent additional attacks. While you maintain this stance, you add the Rank of this Augment to your Toughness, reducing the amount of damage you sustain from physical attacks.
Stance Action: Resolute Guardian
Tempo: 2 + 1 if Shield is Heavy.
Qi Flow: No change or -1.
Range: Adjacent.
While adjacent to an ally, you may use a Reaction to add your shield's bonus to their Evasion against a single attack. If that attack still hits your ally, you may use a burst of qi energy to instantly leap in front of the attack. You are struck by the attack in place of your ally.
Trading places with an ally reduces your Qi Flow, but simply defending them with your shield does not.