Tempo: [w] + 1.
Strain: 1.
Range: Adjacent.
DT: Evasion, Psyche.
With a jeering taunt, you strike an enemy with a melee weapon and redirect their attention to yourself.
Make a single System Check when resolving this Action.
If your Check is greater than the target's Evasion, you strike successfully, dealing normal damage for your weapon.
If your Check is greater than the target's Psyche, the target suffers Taunt 1 on their next attack. (This means that the target has Disadvantage 1 on the next attack made against any individual other than you.) This penalty is lost after the target makes a single attack. Multiple uses of this Action are not cumulative.
As your Ability progresses, your taunts become more difficult to ignore. For every 3 Ranks of this Action, the Taunt imposed by this Action is increased by 1 (Taunt 2 at Rank 3, Taunt 3 at Rank 6, and so forth).