Tempo: [w].
Qi Flow: -1.
Range: Near.
DT: Psyche.
Duration: 5 per Fear.
As you become one with your weapon, your aura takes on the traits of your weapon. By flexing your aura while wielding your bonded weapon, enemies within range feel as though your weapon is pressed against their throat, inflicting Fear equal to your Qi Flow on a successful Check. One instance of Fear caused by this Action is removed every 5 Count.
In addition, your aura lashes out at any who overcome their fear to attack you. Any individual suffering from Fear due to this Action who attacks you immediately takes damage equal to your current Qi Flow. This damage is the same type as your bonded weapon.
You can affect a maximum number of targets equal to the Rank of this Action.
You can expend additional energy to further empower your aura. For each additional decrease to your Qi Flow, the Fear inflicted by this Action increases by 1.