Sniper Shot


Tempo: [w] + 4.
Range: Far.
DT: Evasion.

With careful aim, you are able to make a ranged attack against a target at great distance, dealing normal damage with your weapon. If your weapon's maximum range is less than Far, you gain Disadvantage 2 on this Check.

Each Rank of this Action reduces the Tempo by 1 to a minimum of the weapon's original Tempo.

Distant Sniper Shot

Tempo: [w] + 9.
Range: Distant.
DT: Evasion.

You may use this improved version of Sniper Shot beginning at Rank 4.

You are able to make a ranged attack against a target at even greater distance, dealing normal damage with your weapon. If your weapon's maximum range is less than Distant, you gain Disadvantage 2 on this Check. If your weapon's maximum range is less than Far, then you cannot use it to attack at this distance.

Each Rank of this Action reduces the Tempo by 1 to a minimum of the weapon's original Tempo.