Tempo: 0.
Qi Flow: +1.
Range: Self.
When you perform an Action of significance that embraces the key concept of your cultivation, you can use this Reaction to increase your Qi Flow by 1. You can use this Action a number of times per day equal to its Rank.
For example, Sword Cultivators can use this Reaction when defeating an enemy with their bonded weapon, cultivators who follow the Verdant Whispers Cultivation might use it when tending to or harvesting spiritual herbs.
At Rank 3 and every three ranks thereafter, you may add one new qi concept to your cultivation, allowing you to learn and use new Qi Techniques that were previously beyond your ability. You can use this Reaction whenever you perform an Action of significance that embraces any of your concepts.
If your new concept does not harmonize with your existing concepts, then you gain an instance of permanent Qi Deviation until you gain another concept that harmonizes them.
For example, a Sword Cultivator could embrace new concepts such as Glory, Slaughter, Guardian, Silence, or other concepts related to their cultivation, but it would be very difficult if not impossible to embrace concepts such as Healing or Pacifism without suffering Qi Deviation.
As another example, an individual who primarily cultivates a concept of Life would suffer Qi Deviation if they gained the concept of Death. However, they could solve this issue by later gaining a concept which bridges the gap between the two, harmonizing them. Such harmonizing concepts could be Rebirth, Transience, Harvest, or potentially even Undeath.