Tempo: 1.
Qi Flow: -1.
Range: Self.
Duration: 1 hour/Rank.
You wrap your aura around an item you hold, temporarily imbuing it with the traits of your bonded weapon. Whether you hold a common sword, piece of bamboo, or even a blade of grass, anything can become deadly in your hands.
For the duration of this effect, the enchanted object is treated as if it were your bonded weapon for most purposes. It has the same Tempo, Damage, and other statistics as a basic weapon of the same type as your bonded weapon. You can use it with Qi Techniques and Actions that require a weapon, and it benefits from Augments as if it were your bonded weapon. You can even use Cloud Piercing Path to fly on the enchanted object.
However, the enchanted object is not actually your bonded weapon. You cannot use the enchanted object for Sword Spirit Meditation, nor does it benefit from Actions or Augments that require merging your bonded weapon with your spirit, such as Sword Unity.
When the duration of this effect ends, the enchanted object takes damage equal to twice your current Qi Flow. This damage utterly destroys most mundane items.
No other individual benefits from this effect when trying to wield the enchanted object.
You cannot apply this effect to your bonded weapon.