Mage Missiles


Tempo: 2+. Max: 2 × Rank.
Mana Cost: 3+.
Range: Near.
DT: Evasion.

By increasing the mana cost, you are able to split your blast into multiple missiles. You can create a number of missiles up to a maximum of 1 + Mage Missiles' Rank.

The Mage Missiles spell deals damage equal to Mage Blast’s Rank. You may increase the Tempo and Mana Cost each by 1 to increase the damage dealt by 1. Damage is divided evenly among all created missiles, rounded down, whether or not those missiles hit.

Missiles can be directed at different targets, but you may choose to send more than one missile at the same target. You make one System Check and compare the result of that Check to each individual target's Evasion to determine if that target is hit.