
A supernatural unifying force permeates of all creation called mana. When it gathers, it imparts power, authority, and guidance on those within its influence, and when it runs thin, suffering, shame, and famine are sure to follow. The casting of all magical spells relies on the power of Mana.

Gathering Mana

Mana is measures in Mana Points (MP), which are gathered, held, and later expended to cast a spell. All Spellcasting type Abilities either gather or expend MP and cannot be used without them. Casting a spell requires you to expend one or more MP.

Gathering and expending Mana Points is part of resolving a Spellcasting type Ability and requires no separate Action of its own.

It is extremely difficult to hold onto mana over a long period of time. Any gathered mana slowly dissipates back into the environment unless stored in a device specifically designed to hold mana. Because of this, any time a new scene begins or a meaningful period of time passes, a spellcaster’s current gathered mana is reset to 0.

Maximum Mana

There is no limit to the MP an individual may gather with any given Action, but an individual can only hold a maximum number of Mana Points equal to their Mana Aptitude. Any MP gathered in excess of this maximum is immediately lost.

Spellcasting Abilities