Mage Blast

Intellect / Mana
Spellcasting (Common)

The most common offensive spell learned by beginner Mages, Mage Blast allows an individual to launch a magical burst of energy as a ranged attack at a nearby target.

Default Action


Tempo: 2+. Max: 2 × Rank.
Mana Cost: 1+.
Range: Near.
DT: Evasion.

You can unleash a simple blast of arcane energy. At a cost of 1 Mana Point, Blast deals damage to one target at Near range equal to Mage Blast’s Rank.

You may increase the Tempo and Mana Cost each to increase the damage dealt by 1 for every +1 added to the Tempo.

  • Actions

    • Basic

      • Mage Missiles

        Tempo: 2+. Max: 2 × Rank.
        Mana Cost: 3+.
        Range: Near.
        DT: Evasion.

        By increasing the mana cost, you are able to split your blast into multiple missiles. You can create a number of missiles up to a maximum of 1 + Mage Missiles’ Rank.

        The Mage Missiles spell deals damage equal to Mage Blast’s Rank. You may increase the Tempo and Mana Cost each by 1 to increase the damage dealt by 1. Damage is divided evenly among all created missiles, rounded down, whether or not those missiles hit.

        Missiles can be directed at different targets, but you may choose to send more than one missile at the same target. You make one System Check and compare the result of that Check to each individual target’s Evasion to determine if that target is hit.

  • Augments

    • Basic

      • Amplify Damage

        DT: +1 per 2 damage.

        When casting this spell, you may deal additional damage up to the Rank of this Augment. Unfortunately, this destabilizes the spell, making it more difficult to cast. The Check DT increases by 1 for every 2 additional points of damage this Augment adds, rounded up. So, if you have this Augment at Rank 4, you may add 1, 2, 3, or 4 additional damage, and the DT increases by either +1 (for 1 or 2 additional damage) or +2 (for 3 or 4 additional damage).

        This Augment does not increase the Mana Cost.

      • Elemental Spell Damage

        Tempo: +1.
        Mana Cost: +1.

        You are able to charge the energy of this spell, changing the type of damage it deals. This allows the spell to deal additional damage to targets weak to a particular element but otherwise has no effect on the spell. You can only apply one type of elemental damage each time you cast this spell.

        Each Rank of this Augment allows you to learn one elemental attunement for this spell. You may only use the elements you have learned. You may choose elements from the following list: Air, Earth, Electric, Fire, IceWater.

      • Rapid Spell

        DT: 12 + Current Count.

        Each turn that you spend your action to increase the Count, you may make a System Check. A successful Check allows you to increase the Count by 2 instead of 1. If your Check fails, the Count does not increase, and you risk losing Count.

        When casting this spell, you may make this attempt a maximum number of times equal to the Rank of Rapid Spell. Each attempt counts against this limit whether or not it was successful.

        This Augment does not increase the maximum Count.